About Us
It all started with a love for yarn!
We all have a story to tell, this is just one. Please come in and chat with us about your dreams as a fibre enthusiast.

How did it all begin?
Some time ago, when Cathy was just a young child, she and her family lived with her beloved grandmother on a lovely little farm in rural Nova Scotia. During the quiet winters the two would sit together every day while her Nanny patiently taught her the basics of Knitting. This is when her lifelong obsession with crafting colourful skeins of yarn and wool into beautiful wearables and art was born. She quickly learned the common stitches, how to do repetitive patterns, and eventually simple colour changes, shaping and finishing. By the time she had completed her early introduction to Knitting there was no doubt that Cathy was hooked on fibre arts! By the time she was in high school she and her friends would knit at every free moment – Lopi sweaters for all! Crocheting was also big back then. Many ponchos and granny squares were made in wild colours and combinations – kind of like today! Years later when a neighbour introduced her to Rug Hooking it was love at first sight. Now, twenty years, and hundreds of thousands of loops later, painting with wool cloth and yarn is yet another passion for Cathy and she is so excited to share this “new” old craft at the shop.
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